What is the tax voucher?
Persons obtain the consideration for goods delivered/services rendered either in cash or
by means of credit/debit cards or other cash substitutes, are required to
use the cash register and issue tax receipts to customers.
What does a tax voucher contain?
The tax voucher consists of three parts:
a) Background
- Name of trader
- Tax code / Unique registration code
- Location of cash register installation
b) Contents (excluding currency exchange and taxi machines)
- Date, time and minute of issue of the tax voucher
- Serial number of the tax voucher at working day level
- Name or code of operator/cashier
- Name of each good supplied/service rendered
- Price or unit rate
- Quantity
- Value per transaction, including VAT, with an indication of the VAT rate
- Total value of the voucher including VAT
- Total amount of VAT by VAT rate, indicating the rate level
- Total value of transactions exempt from VAT
- Amount of other taxes not included in the VAT base (where applicable)
c) Final part
- Logo and tax number of the device
- Number of the cash register (if the cash register used operates in a management system)
What is the difference between the tax receipt and the simplified invoice?
They can be considered as simplified invoices:
- Invoices containing mandatory:
o Date of issue
o The taxable person who supplied the good/service and the mention of
the type of good/service provided
o Amount of fee collected or information needed to calculate it
o Clear and specific reference to the documents/messages that have been dealt with in the
listed as an invoice and the specific dates to be amended
Equally, one of the following conditions must be met for an invoice to be
considered simplified:
- Invoices of up to 100 euros (with VAT) or between 100-400 euros (with VAT) if approved by order of the Minister of Public Finance
- If administrative or commercial practice in the sector or technical conditions make it extremely difficult to comply with the contents of a normal invoice
Also, in order to be able to deduct VAT, the invoice must have the registration code
for VAT purposes of the beneficiary.
Vouchers that meet 2 conditions of a simplified invoice and if the giver of the good /
the service mentions the VAT registration code of the beneficiary on the voucher, VAT
can be deduced. It is also advisable that these receipts are accompanied by a tax invoice.
Thus, although both documents contain almost identical information, in terms of
tax, they cannot be equated.
One document at a time...tax receipt, receipt, simplified invoice or e-invoice...
In any case, Banqup is here to help you have more time for what
really matters at the end of the day - your business!