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When can you use the blind invoice?

March 15, 2023
reading minutes

What is the storno invoice?

The reversal invoice rectifies a previous transaction by adjusting the original amount. It indicates
the amount to be deducted from the previous invoice and always refers to the invoice that
is to be corrected.

How do you cancel an invoice?

Invoice reversals can be done either in full, where all values on the original invoice
will be marked with a minus sign, or in part, where only certain values will be marked with a
minus sign.

In these cases, the following procedures can be used:

  • Only one invoice is made out where the reversed items will be marked with a minus,
    the correct values will be marked with a plus;
  • Two documents are produced - one with the negative values from the original document and
    another with the correct information.

In both cases, there will always be a reference on the invoice that
is reversing. A reversal document must also be recorded in the sales or
purchase journal and included in the beneficiary and supplier statements.

What is in the blind invoice?

It contains elements of the tax invoice:

  • Name of each good supplied/service rendered
  • Quantity and value of each product/service provided
  • Company and beneficiary identification data
  • Price
  • VAT

The difference between a sturno invoice and a fiscal invoice is that the wrong amounts
have to be corrected, i.e. the amounts have to be marked with a minus.

Situations in which the blind bill can be used

This may be necessary in certain situations, whether it is a PFA, LLC or an independent individual

  • Return - If a customer returns a product, the return invoice will be
    mandatory issued.
  • Previous invoices contain errors - Mistakes are not allowed in the tax invoice,
    therefore, in this situation, the invoice will be cancelled and the correct invoice will be issued.
  • Adjustment of an advance payment - If a company invoices and receives an
    advance payment for a completed order, it will need to issue an advance invoice and
    prepare the final invoice.
  • Stopping a collaboration contract/ orders - In the event that a customer wishes
    to cancel a collaboration/order and an invoice has been issued, it must
    be cancelled. Also, this procedure can only be started if the delivery has not
    reached the customer.

Situations in which you cannot use the cancellation invoice
There are also situations in which the cancellation invoice cannot be issued:

  • Delivery has been made - If the customer has not paid for the goods, but
    delivery has been made, then the invoice cannot be reversed.
  • Invoice did not reach the customer - If the customer has not received the invoice, then
    must be cancelled.

What is the difference between cancelling an invoice and cancelling it?

↪f_200D↩The followingsituations may arise:

1. The invoice has not been sent to the beneficiary, then the invoice is cancelled.

In this case, the invoice does not have to be recorded in the accounts, but must be declared to
the competent tax authority by means of the 394 Declaration. This can be submitted by
on the 30th of the month following the end of the reporting period.

2. The invoice is in the beneficiary's possession, then the invoice is cancelled.

In this case, the invoice for the cancellation must be recorded in the sales journal and included in the declarations
of the beneficiary and the supplier.

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